
(redirected from oops-a-daisy)
Also found in: Idioms.


(ˈʌpsɪˈdeɪzɪ) or


an expression, usually of reassurance, uttered as when someone, esp a child, stumbles or is being lifted up
[C18 up-a-daisy, irregularly formed from up (adv)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The De La Cruz Diaries: Oops-A-Daisy is a fun and captivating book.
Cheryl Collins started the petite shop as Oops-a-Daisy florist and gift shop in Strutt Road when she was aged just 24.
They can also be bought at shops from across Mirfield including Ramsden's Butchers, Beadelicious and Oops-A-Daisy in Huddersfield Road and Perfection Nail & Beauty in Old Bank Road.
Oops-a-daisy! The Lone Ranger's reputed $250m budget has been hung, drawn and literally almost quartered at the US box office.
Oops-a-daisy. These little errors have helped the lines to rake in more than pounds 500,000 - but the complaints online go back as far as May 2008.
How can BNG and the UK Atomic Energy Authority tell us not to worry about this and think they can fob the public off with an 'oops-a-daisy, silly us' response.
A good example is the Oops-A-Daisy cow from Amazing Candy Craft Co., which dispenses jelly beans whenever the toy cow's tail is lifted.
Citing too much travel to faraway places - though not with the Blues, happily - he was still playing hard to get when I boarded a catamaran for what turned out to be a nightmare oops-a-daisy to Sicily.
Chickee when their dog Rodney Rodent vanishes and they try to find him before the Oops-a-Daisy clock hits zero.