
creating video game Heralds of the Avirentes and artworks

  • 26 members
  • 285 posts
  • $106.2/month

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Little keeper
 / month

You're so cute and awesome! My thanks for your support!

  • You can read game news

  • Access to Public Discord Room

  • Discord access 
Most popular
Om'veri Hatchling
 / month

Oh-h-h! You’re such a beautiful little one! Come here and look at this amazing world around!

  • Access to FullHD artworks without compression

  • Access to Heralds of the Avirentes rooms in Discord (read-only)

  • Access to "Work in progress" room

  • Discord access 
Little om'veri
 / month

This rock… Why is it brown? Why is the sky blue? What is this strange … something? Who is it there? Is it… me? In the w-.. water??

  • Access to 2K versions of artworks without compression

  • Spoilers to the future artworks

  • Access to voting

  • Access to the HD game release

  • Green nickname in titles

  • Discord access 
Young om'veri
 / month

You’re so cute! Trying to behave yourself as an adult, but still so cute! You’re already a great help to everyone in our nest! Keep it up, young dragon!

  • Access to 4K versions of artworks without compression

  • Access to "Work in progress" Discord room with additional game materials

  • Access to "Ideas and suggestions" Discord room

  • Access for legacy-artwork collection (from the beginning)

  • Blue nickname in titles

  • Discord access 
Om'veri apprentice
 / month

Limited (5 of 5 remaining)

Learning psionic knowledge or mastering heavy steel wing claws and tail shield wielding? What to choose? Ah, I want it all!

  • Full Access to step-by-step guides

  • Participation in a group of beta testers of new in-game features and quests

  • Access to in-game cheatcodes

  • Purple nickname in titles

  • Steam key of the game (one per patron)

  • Special private chat room in Discord

  • Discord access 
Om'veri spiritsinger
 / month

Limited (7 of 8 remaining)

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