LEVELS: ~~~~~~~~ 016: ~~~~~~~~ 018: (Whiskers the Gemcutter) We Gemcutters are a bit too short to climb these ladders... looks like you are too. After you learn to climb, come back to Glimmer to see me. You'll learn to climb later on. Come back and see me then. Head on up the ladder! - - (Moneybags) Ah, you must be the dragon everyone is talking about. Well, dragon or not, I'm afraid there is a small fee to open the bridge. It will cost you @4100@0 of your gems to cross. &Pay @4^^^@0 gems to open the bridge?&Yes&No Thank you, mister dragon... Spyro, was it? You can now use the bridge whenever you want, free of charge! I hope we meet again, when you have even more gems... You'll have to pay up sooner or later, it's the only way across. I have to look after my..err Avalar's financial well being. You know. Ahem... You can't use the bridge without paying, and you do not appear to have enough gems. &[100 gems needed to open bridge. Still here? Why don't you help the Gemcutters and they'll show you the way to Summer Forest. Back again eh? And with plenty of treasure I see. Would you like me to open the bridge? I won't even increase the price. &Pay 100 gems to open the bridge? &Open up!&Maybe later I'll need a few more gems than that to open this bridge. &[100 gems needed to open bridge. (Twitchy the Gemcutter) Spyro, thanks for helping us fight off the Lizards! Please take this talisman of Glimmer as a sign of our gratitude. This magic portal next to me will take you to Summer Forest, one of the home worlds of Avalar. Step through the portal next to me to go to Summer Forest. - - (Zoe) Hi, Spyro. I'm a friend of Elora's, and she's asked me to help you out. Whenever you find me, I'll remember your progress, like this... That zap means that if you get into trouble, I'll return you to this place. See you around! (Bounsa the Gemcutter) These little lizards have eaten my entire crop of gems! I've tried hitting them with rocks, but they're too fast for me. You can try using one of my rocks. If you have any questions, just ask me. &[Hit little lizards with rocks. &[Bounsa will give you hints. You can @4pick up@0 a rock in your mouth by just walking up to it. To @4spit@0 it out, press the { button. &[Hit little lizard with rock. To @4aim@0 a rock, press and hold the } button while you have a rock in your mouth. Press the { button to @4spit@0 the rock in the direction you are aiming. &[Hit little lizard with rock. Nice shooting! Follow me to the next lizard! Yay! You've saved my crop of gems from the lizards! Here, take this orb. Some girl with wings dropped it here yesterday. You can have as many rocks as you like. You can spit pretty far Spyro! See if you can spit all the way to that lizard! To hit that lizard up high, you'll have to @4aim@0. Press and hold the } button to @4aim@0, then press { to @4spit@0. (Zoe) To get a good @4look around@0, hold down the } button. Try using } to look around this cave. - (Pogo the Gemcutter) Hi Spyro, welcome to Glimmer! Unfortunately for us, a mob of lizards just showed up and started stealing all of our gems. Can you stop them? If you can find my friend Twitchy, he'll reward you for helping us out. - - - (Kanga the Gemcutter) Hmm, thanks for stopping by, dragon, but I'm afraid you're not much use to me until that magic @4powerup@0 is active. Great! The @4superfly powerup@0 is active and you can restart our gem lamps! Flame all the lamps quickly, and the big gem lamp will light. The powerup will give you enough magic to fly for a short time. &[Walk through pyramids for superfly powerup. &[Light gem lamps with flame. &[Light all lamps quickly! The big gem lamp will only light if all 6 small lamps are lit. &[Walk through pyramids for superfly powerup. &[Light gem lamps with flame. &[Light all lamps quickly! Thanks for helping me light the lamps, Spyro. A fairy gave me this orb, but I like gems better. You take it instead. You can help me out, but only after you've activated that @4superfly powerup@0. &[Defeat 10 enemies to activate superfly & powerup. (Roo the Gemcutter) We installed some gem lamps in this cave too, but they're even harder to keep going. You'll definitely need this superfly powerup to light the lamps. Hey great, you've got the superfly powerup active. Now you can light the gem lamps in this cave. &[Flame the gem lamps. If you can get all 6 gem lamps lit at the same time, they'll stay on. &[Flame the gem lamps. &[Light all the lamps quickly! Thanks for helping me light the lamps, Spyro. For a while I was afraid we were going to have to cancel tonight's baseball game. Here, somebody mixed this orb in with the baseballs. - ~~~~~~~~ 020: (Zoe) To aim the camera left or right, press the @4L2@0 or @4R2@0 button. - (Zoe) Those @4metal shields@0 are making enemies invulnerable to your flame attack. If you press and hold the > button, you can defeat them with your @4charge attack@0. - (Foreman Bob) Spyro, the idols we were carving have come to life. They've locked us out of our temples and stolen our food! The workers can break the locks if they can get to the doors. - - - - - (Foreman Max) Spyro, you're pretty tough. If you ever want a permanent job, we've got a place for you here. For the moment, I want you to have this talisman. - - - - - (Hulagirl Stella) Thanks for coming to the rescue and all Spyro, but you'll need to activate the @4supercharge powerup@0 to help. You need to activate the @4supercharge powerup@0 to rescue me... &[Defeat 8 enemies to activate the supercharge & powerup. It's fabulous to see you Spyro! Now that the @4supercharge powerup@0 is active, you can charge through the pedestals and send the dancing hulagirls over here to help me! &[Use supercharge powerup. &[Charge through the stone pedestals. Look at that, the hulagirls' rain dance blew up that idol like a roman candle! Now I can pursue that dancing career I've dreamed of. Take this orb, it could help you go places. Send those lazy hulagirls over here to do a dance! &[Use supercharge powerup. &[Charge through all the pedestals in one go! (Foreman Bud) This idol says he's hungry, and won't be satisfied until he's swallowed 10 fish. He's got a sensitive stomach, so watch what kind of fish you feed him. &[Flame fish to feed the idol. &[The idol is very picky... The idol is still hungry... &[Flame fish to feed the idol. &[Watch out for red fish... OK Spyro, just one more puzzle to go. I'll meet you over by the colored stones for your final challenge. - - - - (Foreman Bud) I've been locked in here with all our tools, and the giant idol heads won't let the workers in unless we can solve the three puzzles they've given us. The first puzzle is to turn all these blocks yellow. If you have trouble, come back and talk to me. &[Solve three giant idol puzzles. &[The first puzzle is to turn all blocks yellow. &[Ask foreman Bud for help. Jump on the blocks to change their color to yellow. &Would you like me to reset the puzzle?&Yes&Nope Let's start over. &[Jump on blocks to change them. &[Turn all blocks yellow. Wow, Spyro, you did it...I mean, I knew you could do it! Now meet me at the pond for the next challenge. Nice job, Spyro. You're pretty smart for a dragon. All I have to give you is this shiny thing I found in our tool box. ~~~~~~~~ 022: ~~~~~~~~ 024: ~~~~~~~~ 026: ~~~~~~~~ 028: ~~~~~~~~ 030: (Queen Finny) Welcome to the Ocean Speedway. Come back and see me after you have completed the entire course. Remember, you have to complete the course without touching the water. I guess now you think you're pretty good. Well let's see if you're as good as the current champion. &Are you ready for a race?&Start Race&No Thanks Alright, Spyro. Meet the course champion. In order to win the race, you must fly through all the rings. Beware, if Hunter flies through a ring first, the ring will start to shrink. &[Follow Hunter through rings. That's just fine. You can come back anytime. It's not as easy as you thought, is it? Are you ready to try again? &Are you ready to try again?&Start Race&No Thanks Great job, Spyro. That was some excellent flying. Great job, Spyro. That was some excellent flying. ~~~~~~~~ 032: ~~~~~~~~ 034: ~~~~~~~~ 036: (fairy) - (daisy) - (Lumpy) Spyro, our village is being overrun by Lava Lizards. Can you get rid of them before they eat my little buddies? I'll lower the bridge for you so you can get over there. &[Cross the bridge. &[Save the villagers. Please protect my friends from the lizards who hatch out of those giant eggs. &[Save the villagers! Well done, grasshopper! Take this shiny uhh, thing we found, to aid your journey! Uh-oh...it looks like more lizard eggs are dropping down... Are you ready for another challenge? &[Save the villagers again! Please help us again, Spyro! Those lizards are really scary! Please help us again, Spyro! Those lizards are really scary! Thank you for helping us again, Spyro! You deserve another shiny thing. I was going to use it as a night-light. (Ooga) I'm so sad. Those pesky Lava Toads have stolen all my friend's bones. If you help me put him back together again, he'd sure be more fun. &[Get bones from Lava Toads Thank you, Spyro! Now I can put my friend back together! Please take this as a token of my appreciation. A fairy left it with me a little while ago. It's so good to see my friend looking healthy again! I think he wants to dance for you... - - - - - (Gronk) Hey, dragon, I hear you're pretty tough. I bet my cousin Glug you wouldn't be able to make it through Badlands without getting singed. Oh, if you see any of my little buddies getting torched, do you mind helping them out? - - - - - - (Glug) Excellent! You made it through the Badlands! I knew I'd win that bet...my cousin Gronk is a fool to bet against a dragon. Take this talisman for helping me out. If you don't know what to do with the talisman...maybe you could make a nice soup with it. - - - - - - ~~~~~~~~ 038: ~~~~~~~~ 040: ~~~~~~~~ 042: ~~~~~~~~ 044: ~~~~~~~~ 046: (Greta) Hewwo Spywo. My bwother Handel and I have been sent here to bwow up this castle, but Handel got caught by these evil soldiers and I'm stuck out here. I think there's a switch in the tower that will open the door and raise the fwag giving the castle the 'all clear' sign. If you can open the doors that bwock the way, I can find Handel and we can compwete our super secwet spy mission. - - (Greta) Hewwo Spywo. My bwother Handel and I have been sent here to bwow up this castle, but Handel got caught by these evil soldiers and I'm stuck out here. I think there's a switch in the tower that will open the door and raise the fwag giving the castle the 'all clear' sign. If you can open the doors that bwock the way, I can find Handel and we can compwete our super secwet spy mission. - - (Bombo the Flagkeeper) So, you want that flag, eh, dragon? Well two can play at this bombing game. Let's go! &[Avoid Flagkeeper's bombs. &[Return flag to Handel. Ha, you won't beat me, dragon! &Care to try again?&Bring it on!&Keep your silly flag. Alright then, let's go! I knew you couldn't beat me! Still after my flags, dragon? &[Avoid Flagkeeper's bombs. &[Return flag to Handel. You won't get my last flag so easily, purple beast! (-) - (Bombo the Flagkeeper) So, you want that flag, eh, dragon? Well two can play at this bombing game. Let's go! &[Avoid Flagkeeper's bombs. &[Return flag to Handel. Ha, you won't beat me, dragon! &Care to try again?&Bring it on!&Keep your silly flag. Alright then, let's go! I knew you couldn't beat me! Still after my flags, dragon? &[Avoid Flagkeeper's bombs. &[Return flag to Handel. You won't get my last flag so easily, purple beast! (Bombo the Flagkeeper) So, you want that flag, eh, dragon? Well two can play at this bombing game. Let's go! &[Avoid Flagkeeper's bombs. &[Return flag to Handel. Ha, you won't beat me, dragon! &Care to try again?&Bring it on!&Keep your silly flag. Alright then, let's go! I knew you couldn't beat me! Still after my flags, dragon? &[Avoid Flagkeeper's bombs. &[Return flag to Handel. You won't get my last flag so easily, purple beast! (Hunter) The monkeys have escaped from the Avalar Zoo, and I've been sent here to catch 'em... But they keep throwing coconuts at me, and it hurts! Can you help me out? &Do you want to give it a shot?&Sure&No way Great! Just charge the tree before I get hit. I'll be able to catch the monkeys as they fall. Follow me. &[Knock monkeys out of trees. Okay, I'll just wait until a more courageous purple dragon comes along. Oww! Looks like you could use another try at this. &Shall we try it again? &Yes&No Thanks for your help, Spyro. Please take this...one of the monkeys had it. Were those monkeys or apes? Back again? &Are you ready to help catch monkeys? &yes&no - - - (Handel) Hey Spyro, we need those flags to prove our secret mission was successful...but the Flagkeeper keeps stealing them! If you can knock the Flagkeeper down, you could bring the flags back! My secret decoder ring says that this powerup thing should help you. &[Shoot Flagkeeper off flagpole. &[Return to Handel with flags. My ugly sister was supposed to get the flags. I'm a much better secret agent. &[Shoot Flagkeeper off flagpole. &[Return to Handel with flags. Great! But there are still two flags out there... You're so close Spyro, just one more flag. Great job, Agent Spyro!! How can we repay you for your efforts? How about this orb that I found in the sand? My sister says you're a great secret agent, Spyro. Activate this powerup and we can do some spying together! Have you seen my sister Greta? She's ugly with pigtails... Great! But there are still two flags out there... You're so close Spyro, just one more flag. (-) - (Greta) Spywo, you make a gweat secwet agent! Now Handel and I can compwete our mission. By the way, you can have this tawisman. I stole it when the soldiers weren't looking. Have you seen my bwother Handel? He's stupid and wearing an ugwy shirt. - - - - ~~~~~~~~ 048: (Shorty the Hippo) Spyro, it's a good thing you're here. I've been trying to get a berry out of this magic berry bush, but I'm just not strong enough. If you charge or flame the bush, one of those yummy berries should drop! By eating the berries we become big and strong... I guess you'll have to glide across to this berry bush. Keep getting the berries for me and I'll take you to the Great Berry Bush! You'll have to go back to those steps you passed to reach this one. Hitting the bush with one of those lava rocks should work... I think I passed some lava rocks in the the last room. Thanks for helping me reach the Great Berry Bush. Now we can eat berries all the time! Here take this. It's a gift from all of us Hippos. Looking for something else to do? Talk to my friend over there. (Bruno the Hippo) Spyro, three thieves have stolen our magical brass lamps. Please get the lamps before they take them away from Shady Oasis! &[Catch the wily thieves! Good job! Now there are two thieves left. Let me show you where they are... Excellent! Let me show you where the last thief is... Thanks for bringing back the three magic lamps. Here, take this orb. Some fairy left it with me, but it won't hold a proper shine. Thanks again for bringing back the three magic lamps. I don't have anything else to give you. I can show you where those cowardly thieves are hiding... watch closely... - - - - - (Grundy the Hippo) My 8 brothers have been trapped in rock, and will sink in the lava if you can't break them free! @4Headbash@0 the rocks by jumping then pressing }, and follow my lead. &Help the petrified Hippos? &Yes&No Thanks for freeing us. All I have to give you is this thingy I found...at least it's not a rock. I have a big family, but you've managed to save all of them! Take this thing too...I'm too tired to carry it anymore. Spyro, my brothers have been trapped in solid rock...I'm afraid you'll need to learn some kind of @4headbash@0 move before you can help us... It's great you've learned to headbash Spyro, but I'm afraid neither of us can cross this lava until that powerup is working... Almost successful, Spyro. &Are you ready to try again? &Yes&No Oh no! Now my 15 cousins have been petrified too! Can you save all 15? &Help out again? &Yes&No Follow me...and remember, jump and then press } to headbash. &[Follow Grundy and bash her relatives out of the rock. OK, Come back when you're ready. Follow me...and remember, jump and then press } to headbash. &[Follow Grundy and bash her relatives out of the rock. Almost successful, Spyro. &Try again? &Yes&No (-) - (-) - ~~~~~~~~ 050: (Loonie the Faun) Hello, Spyro. I suppose you're here for the party. I'm afraid it's been cancelled because the stupid Earthshapers set off the volcano. - - (Hunter) Hey Spyro, check out this cool cave I found. Let's play a little game. Every so often, a piece of this crystal popcorn pops out of the ground. The first one to grab 10 of them wins. &Will you take the challenge?&Let's play&Maybe later I'm ready when you are. &[Grab ^^ crystals before Hunter. Alright. Come back whenever you think you are ready. I'll be right here waiting for you. You're pretty fast, but not as fast as me. What do you say, would you like to give it another shot? &Would you like to try again?&Let's play&Maybe later OK, you win. Here's an orb. Well, well. I see you're back for more. Are you ready? &Will you take the challenge?&Let's play&Maybe later You win again. I must be getting old. You're really good. I'm going to have to come up with some harder games. For now, take this orb. I guess you earned it. I'll give you another orb if you can beat me again. Let's play to 15 this time. What do you say? &Will you take the challenge?&Let's play&Maybe later - (Moneybags) Well, if it isn't my best customer. The elevator in the next room can take you to the volcano. You can have unlimited use of the elevator for a one-time fee of only a few gems. &Pay ^^^ gems for the elevator?&Yes Please&No Thanks It's a pleasure doing business with you. Simply step on the elevator, and it will take you to the bottom. When you want to come back up, just step on it again. OK. I'll be here if you change your mind. Sorry Spyro, it looks like you can't afford to use my elevator. Come back and see me when you have collected more treasure. &[Elevator access costs ^^^ gems. I've found that the elevator business is one of my most profitable...behind bridges of course. (Chedda the Faun) Here we are on the night of the big party, and we don't have anything to celebrate with. If you could fly, maybe you could do something about it. Thanks, Spyro. You've saved the party. Here, this got mixed in with the cheese-balls, and I almost chipped a tooth on it. Hey Spyro! You're just in time for the party. Well, you would be if those nasty Lava Monsters hadn't stolen our hats. It just won't be the same without party hats. &[Shoot down the lava monsters. (Bippo the Faun) Thanks for closing the lid on the volcano, Spyro. Things were getting a little too hot around here. By the way, here's a talisman I was saving for the party later... I think you deserve it more. - - ~~~~~~~~ 052: ~~~~~~~~ 054: (Hunter) Hey Spyro, you found me! Come back and talk to me again when you've completed the entire course. Good job, Spyro! Looks like you're ready for a more serious challenge. How about a little paragliding? You're not afraid of heights are you? &Try paragliding?&Let's do it&No thanks Great! I'll tow you behind my snowmobile and you maneuver through the rings. Don't miss any or we'll have to start over. &[fly through rings Well, I can understand. Come back later when you're feeling adventurous. Hey, I heard you were good at this flying stuff... Oh well. Wanna go for it again? &Are you ready to try again?&Try again&No Thanks Great job, Spyro. You're getting pretty good at this! Way to go, Spyro! You're even better than I am. Let's go! ~~~~~~~~ 056: (Zoe) Remember to use your flame breath to light the bomb fuses and knock them toward Gulp. Remember to flame the chickens to get your health back. Be quick about it, though, or Gulp will get them first! ~~~~~~~~ 058: ~~~~~~~~ 060: (Hydrar the WaterWizard) Things just aren't the same since our magic fountain shut off. It sure would help if you could find out what evil force is behind this disaster! - - - (Hydrar the WaterWizard) Things just aren't the same since our magic fountain shut off. It sure would help if you could find out what evil force is behind this disaster! - (Hydrar the WaterWizard) Things just aren't the same since our magic fountain shut off. It sure would help if you could find out what evil force is behind this disaster! - (Snoozle the WaterWizard) Wha? Oh, um, I must have dozed off there. Golly, looks like I let the fountain switch off. Here, take this orb and, um, don't mention my little nap to Hydrar, OK? - - - (Basil the Explorer) Ah, Spyro, a friendly face! A bunch of rotten thieves have stolen the spark plugs and I'm stuck here. Please get the four plugs back! &[Catch thieves to retrieve the spark plugs. This is useless without all four spark plugs I'm afraid. &[get all 4 spark plugs from the thieves Wahoo! I'm back in business! Here, young dragon friend, take this. It's museum quality, but you deserve it! Hmm...now I just need to figure out how to collect the ivory from those beasties before they disappear... (Professor) Ahh Spyro, so glad you're here. I'm perfectly useless without my trusty pencil, and I seem to have lost it. I do have this extra egg...perhaps you can trade it for my pencil... &[Pick up the egg and trade it. Hmm, no, that won't help me Spyro. &[Keep trading to get the pencil. Does that look like a pencil? &[Keep trading to get the pencil. My do I need that pencil back. Would you like to start over with a new egg? &Would you like to start over?&Yes, please&Never mind Here's another egg. You won't be able to trade it directly for a pencil, you know... &[Pick up the egg and trade it. All right. I've got lots of eggs if you need one later. My pencil! Now I can begin calculating the age of the universe again! Here, take this orb...Elora says she thinks I'm going to lose it... Hmm, carry the 6... - ~~~~~~~~ 062: (Alaric the Wizard) I used to be one of Avalar's most powerful magicians...until that big warlock over there stole my wand. He and his friends have used the magic to take over the city. You don't actually expect ME to fight him, do you? You're the big tough dragon, right? - - - - - (Agent Zero) I'm a secret agent! I'm going to my secret hideout. Only members of my secret club are allowed to go there. I'm not leaving unless you hide behind that tree so you can't see me. &[Hide behind the tree.&[Follow Agent Zero. What? You managed to get here without following me? You must be a member of my secret club after all! Here, take this secret decoder. It will allow us to send secret messages! This time I'd better not catch you sneaking behind me...my hideout is for members only! Heh heh... I'm too fast for anyone to follow. No one will ever find my hideout! I'm not leaving unless you wait behind the tree. &[Wait behind the tree. &[Follow Agent Zero. &[Use trees to hide. (Murgen the Wizard) Our mystical bell towers have been overrun by trolls, and the bells haven't been rung in days! I tried a fire spell on the trolls but it just made them crazier. This superfreeze powerup will chill out the trolls, but we really need the bells to ring. They'll ring if you charge into them! &[Freeze the trolls. &[Charge the bells to ring them. Thanks Spyro! I didn't think you could do it. Here, have a souvenir from the Mystic City gift shop. Our bell towers have been invaded by trolls! You might be able to help, but you can't beat them without activating this powerup... I suppose you want an orb for doing that. Well I'm afraid not. There's still one bell left. You can get to it by using the whirlwind behind me. - - - (Chronos the Wizard) - - - - - - - (Chronos the Wizard) - - - - - - - (Chronos the Wizard) - - - - - - - (Bartle The Wizard) Gee, I wish our bell towers were still working like they used to. Spyro, you have freed our city from the claws of those evil warlocks. Please, take this orb, I foresee that it will help you on your journey. Listen carefully Spyro, if you want to get back to your home world, hold that orb and recite these three words: Klaatu, Verata, Ni... Nuh... Naah... Nevermind. - - - - - (-) - - (-) - - (-) - - (-) - - ~~~~~~~~ 064: (Hunter) Welcome to Canyon Speedway, Spyro. Right now I'm having a little engine trouble, but come back and talk to me when you've completed the course. Alright, Spyro! Are you ready to try out my plane? I just fixed it and I'm pretty sure it won't crash now. &Go for a ride?&Sure&No thanks OK Spyro, here's what you've gotta do. I've got the plane on remote control so all you have to do is hit the targets with your machine gun. Press { to fire the gun and use the D-Pad or analog stick to aim. &[Press @0{@4 to fire gun. &[Use directional button or analog stick to aim. &[Don't miss any targets. Okay, I understand. I'll be here if you change your mind. Hey, you missed a target! That's okay, it's pretty tough to hit them all. &Are you ready to try again?&Try again&No Thanks Great job, Spyro. I couldn't have done better myself. Well, I could have, but I'm modest you know... Hey, you nailed all of the targets! It must be because you had such a good pilot. Let's go! - - - - … ~~~~~~~~ 066: ~~~~~~~~ 068: (Manager Droid) This insurrection from the farms has got quite out of hand. We need someone to restore order! Find the Inventor Droid, she's been working on something big. - - - - - - - (Manager Droid) This insurrection from the farms has got quite out of hand. We need someone to restore order! Find the Inventor Droid, she's been working on something big. - (Logistics Droid) As you can see, a vicious ox has taken over our armory. We thought that freezing the walkway would keep animals out... The ox is very tough. I advise using the bombs against it, and it'll probably take several bombs at that... &[Avoid exploding bombs. &[Use bombs against the ox. We'll never regain control of the armory without your help... &[Use bombs against the ox. Superb work, Dragon...the Ox looks out of commission. I'd like you to have this token of my appreciation for your assistance. Errrgh! That bleeping ox is tough! Looks like we'll need a little more help to regain control of our armory. &[use bombs against the ox Excellent work, Dragon. We can now defend our city properly. Take this visually pleasing reward. - - (Manager Droid) This insurrection from the farms has got quite out of hand. We need someone to restore order! Find the Inventor Droid, she's been working on something big. - (Inventor Droid) Ah, Spyro! I'd heard you were coming. Thank you for your efforts in thwarting this attempted coup. Please take this item, which living creatures seem to like. I've successfully developed a super powerup here Spyro... knock off just a few more enemies and you can be the first ever to use it! It's a first for Avalar! A combination powerup! Thank goodness you're here to test it out... these invading sheep in their spaceships must be stopped! &[Take down the sheep saucers. Keep after those saucers Spyro. Remember your training! &[All sheep saucers must go! Excellent work. You knocked those sheep right out of the sky! This orb device is proof of your skill. I knew it! Those first sheep sent out a distress call. The next wave of saucers is incoming! &[Shoot down the second wave. Nice flying, airman! You've proven the genius of my double powerup invention! Here, keep this to commemorate your victory. (Maintenance Droid) With all the budget cuts, these elevators need serious work. See, this one here is stuck. I expect it would start working if you could just give it a good whack though. I always say, there's no repair quite like just hitting something... &[Headbash the elevator to unstick it. - - - - - - ~~~~~~~~ 070: (Gatekeeper Gniles) Welcome to Dragon Shores, Spyro. Sorry but I can't let you into our little park until you've found more of the gems and orbs in Avalar. Good luck! &[Collect ^^ orbs. &[Collect 8,000 gems. Well done, Spyro! Step right on into Dragon Shores Park! By the way, if you win ten tokens, you can visit our theatre! Try to win tokens at the attractions. If you win ten, you can visit the famous Dragon Shores Theatre! - - - - - - - - (Showman Gnick) Step right up Spyro and take a look at what we've got for you today. Inside this here booth, you'll find some of the most vicious creatures you've ever seen. &Try dunking booth?&Yes&No Suit yourself kid. Come on back when you want to give these critters a dunking. Here's a baseball to spit, sport. Take aim, shoot at the target and watch as the terrifying creatures fall into the water below. But don't worry, you won't hurt 'em. Hey, that was pretty funny, wasn't it? Take this token for being such a good shot. This is pretty easy, isn't it? Have another one of these tokens. Wow, you really are a great shot. Take this, it's my last token. Good shot, but I'm clean out of tokens. Keep shooting if you want. Have another shot if you want, kid... - - - - (Showman Gnelson) Hiya Spyro. I hear you're a pretty good shot! How'd you like to try my shooting gallery? &Go for it?&Yes&Gno Okay, I'll set the timer for you. Okay, but remember, I still have tokens to give you if you want to come back and give it a try. Nice shootin'! Here's a token. Ready for the next round? &Start next round?&Yes&No Great! Here is my last token! Wanna try again? &Try again?&Yes&No Come on back any time, Spyro! Too bad, Spyro. If you want to try again I can reset the timer for you. Are you game? &Try again?&Yes&No Good shot, but I'm clean out of tokens. Keep shooting if you want. Too bad, Spyro. If you want to try again I can reset the timer for you. Are you game? &Try again?&Yes&No - (Showman Gnorm) Free, Free, Free! You pay no money down, and make no monthly payments. In return, I'll give you one token. One is all I can give but you can ride as many times as you'd like. &Take a ride?&Yes&No Well, it's pretty dark in there. I understand. Come on back, anytime. Hop aboard my friend! As promised, here's your one token. When you have ten, try visiting the Dragon Shores Theatre. Just for kicks, eh Spyro? You've already got your token. Come back anytime though... Back to take a whirl on the boat ride? &Take a ride?&Why not?&Naw - - - - - - (Showman Gnigel) Welcome to the Dragon Shores Coaster. Here at the Shores we don't just ride though! If you can pop all the balloons on the track, a token is waiting for you. Ready to ride? &Jump on?&Yes&No Watch out for the other coasters out there. It's a crowded track today. &[Pop all balloons. You know, rollercoasters aren't for everyone. Come on back again sometime! Ow, that looked like it hurt. Care for another try at the Coaster? &Try again?&Sure&No Care for another try at the Coaster? &Try again?&Yes please&No way Good job, dragon. Here's a token for you. Alright, I'll flip this switch, and now you can ride more tracks! See if you can pop the balloons on these tracks too. &Keep going?&Yes&No Hey, not bad! Here's another token. There's one more run, and you're on a roll... There's a cannon installed on your car for this run, and you'll have to shoot balloons too. Are you gonna give it a try? &Do the third run?&You bet!&I'll quit now Wow, you're a natural...you've conquered the coaster! Here's my last token. Wanna ride the coaster just for fun? &Jump on?&Yes&No - (Showman Gned) Hey there young fella! I'd sure like to let you into the Dragon Shores Theatre, but you just haven't won enough tokens. Try visiting the other attractions first. &[Win 10 tokens to enter theatre. Well Spyro, it's your lucky day! You've managed to win enough tokens to enter the famous Dragon Shores Theatre! Go on in and enjoy the show! - - - - - - - - - - NAMES: Zoe - Hunter ~~~ 016 ~~~ ~~~ 018 ~~~ Whiskers the Gemcutter Moneybags Twitchy the Gemcutter Bounsa the Gemcutter Pogo the Gemcutter Kanga the Gemcutter Roo the Gemcutter ~~~ 020 ~~~ Foreman Bob Foreman Max Hulagirl Stella Foreman Bud ~~~ 022 ~~~ ~~~ 024 ~~~ ~~~ 026 ~~~ ~~~ 028 ~~~ ~~~ 030 ~~~ Queen Finny ~~~ 032 ~~~ ~~~ 034 ~~~ ~~~ 036 ~~~ fairy daisy Lumpy Ooga Gronk Glug ~~~ 038 ~~~ ~~~ 040 ~~~ ~~~ 042 ~~~ ~~~ 044 ~~~ ~~~ 046 ~~~ Greta Bombo the Flagkeeper Handel ~~~ 048 ~~~ Shorty the Hippo Bruno the Hippo Grundy the Hippo ~~~ 050 ~~~ Loonie the Faun Moneybags Chedda the Faun Bippo the Faun ~~~ 052 ~~~ ~~~ 054 ~~~ ~~~ 056 ~~~ ~~~ 058 ~~~ ~~~ 060 ~~~ Hydrar the WaterWizard Snoozle the WaterWizard Basil the Explorer Professor ~~~ 062 ~~~ Alaric the Wizard Agent Zero Murgen the Wizard Chronos the Wizard Bartle The Wizard ~~~ 064 ~~~ ~~~ 066 ~~~ ~~~ 068 ~~~ Maintenance Droid Inventor Droid Logistics Droid Manager Droid ~~~ 070 ~~~ Showman Gned Showman Gnigel Showman Gnorm Showman Gnelson Showman Gnick Gatekeeper Gniles