Press Start@0 Story ModeT0 Party Moded0 Trading Cardst0 Credits0 Prototype Build0 View Cards0 Trade Cards0 Spyro0 New Game0 Select a Slot0 Erase a Slot0 Erase Slot %d? 1 Sound 1 FX,1 Music41 Choose a World@1 EasyT1 Medium`1 Difficultl1 GO!!|1 You have won a Trading Card!!1 Choose a Game1 ----------1  Back Select1 You entered:1  Back2 2  View2 Level %d2 2 2 0 %02d%% %d %d82 EraseP2 Done\2 Cancelh2 Resumet2 Quit Level2 Quit Game2 Quit2 Sleep2 Quit Level?2 Quit Game?2 Sleep Now?2 Press SELECT + + to wake2 Not Enough Gems! 3 Defeat Level$3 Slow Motion83 START!H3 You did it!T3 Better luck next time...d3 Retry?3 %d Gems3 Congratulations! You have all 200 Trading Cards!3 Golden Key Activated3 Buy Card3 Play Vase Shuffle4 Play Mystery Game4 Play Spin the Wheel04 0  BuyL4 2 Cost: %d\4 Card Purchasedl4 Not Enough Gems4 Match Colors To Win4  Spin4 Card4 Card Owned!4 Gems Instead4 Code Accepted!4 Invalid Code!4 Code can only be used once!5 You have received %d gems!05 You have received a hidden card!P5 Orange Spyro Mode Activated!x5 Sheep Mode Activated!5 Sheep Flame Mode Activated!5 Orange Mode Activated!5 Gray Mode Activated!5 Purple Mode Activated!6 Dragon Castles,6 Arctic Cliffs@6 Fire MountainsT6 Wumpa Jungleh6 Tech Park|6 ,6 ,6 @6 @6 T6 T6 h6 h6 |6 |6 Gate Crank6 Fire and Ice6 Wall of Fire6 Crank It Up6 Ice Chopper6 Pull Of Lava 7 Tech Tug 7 Portal Rush07 Gem Rush@7 07 @7 07 @7 07 @7 07 @7 Snow Stepsp7 p7 p7 Sky Walker7 7 7 Castle Cruisin'7 7 7 Riptocs And Rockets7 7 7 Rumble on the Ramparts7 Bridge Fight7 Turn Up the Heat 8 Falling To Pieces$8 Gravity Well<8 Arctic AttackP8 P8 P8 Fire Fightl8 l8 l8 Space Shoot8 8 8 Fall In, Roll Out8 8 8 Tread Lightly8 8 8 Dragon Assault8 8 8 Hot Wings8 8 8 Altitude Adjustment 9  9  9 Treetop Flight,9 ,9 ,9 Crash BandicootH9 Crush and Gulp\9 Nina Cortexp9 Neo Cortex9 Space Chase9 Castle Chaos9 Blizzard Balls9 Ring Of Fire9 Riptoc Repellent9 Tech Deflect9 Vase Shuffle: : Mystery Game : Spin the Wheel4: 4: ShopL: Buy Trading CardX: X: X: X: X: Dragon Drop: Gem Hop: Lava Fields: Icicle Canyon: Sheep Shearin': Death From Behind: Sheep Shakedown: Sheep Chase; Gem Chaser; ; ; ; Ballistix,; Ship Shuffle<; 7 Void MultiplayerT; Congratulations!l; You have won %d gems!!; Open the Gate!; Press FAST!; Melt the ice!; ; Put Out the fire!; ; Lift the rocks!; ; Tug the rope!< Press FAST!,< Freeze the Riptoc!@< ; Shoot! \< Reach the Portal!l< Move!< \< l< < \< l< < \< Hit them all!< < Speed up! < Kickback! < Attract balls! < l< Speed Up!= Slow Down!= Jump! (= \< l< Flip! @= \< Collect Ammo!T= Knock 'em off!h= < (= \< Repair! = T= Collect the Gems!= l< = < \< = Flap! = Get as many Gems as you can!= = Flame the Sheep!> < Flame! > Bounce for Gems!,> < = > < > Escape the Sheep!X> (= I don't know what to sayt> Now I really don't know what to say> SPARX: It looks like we'll need to collect more gems before we can unlock this Portal.> SPARX: Don't forget that you can always return to previous areas in order to access the Portals and collect more gems.? SPARX: I can help you find the nearby Portals as you explore. I'll flash as we approach a new Portal.? HUNTER: The Professor discovered that these Portals can be unlocked with the proper amount of gems.@ Once unlocked, these Portals will take you to a mini-game challenge.h@ BIANCA: Using my magic I can access these hard-to-reach platforms, but you can't jump that high.@ Try again later when you have learned to jump higher.A BIANCA: Your flap ability should allow you to reach these upper platforms.XA Press repeatedly at the top of your jump to gain some additional height.A BLINKY: These Bonus Portals will cost you gems each time you play, but you have the chance to gain many gems if you win.A HUNTER: Watch out! Some of these villains will drop rocks on you if you get too close.xB If you can jump above them try pressing to perform a Headbash.B Don't forget you can also flame them by pressing .C BLINKY: Great job defeating those orange monsters. Keep up the good work!TC BLINKY: Spyro! I was burrowing around in the jungle and saw one of those horrific orange monsters, only this one seemed even crazier than what we've seen.C The problem seems worse than we had expected. You've got to stop them!DD SPARX: You can continue through this Level Portal by entering all five portals and defeating the mini-games.D MONEYBAGS: Hello there, Spyro! I have some wares you may be interested in.E How about some trading cards chronicling your adventures?TE MONEYBAGS: Want to try your luck at the wheel?E SPYRO: Stay away from my home, you crazy orange monster!E AKU AKU: I wonder where that last portal has brought us, Crash? I can see a castle over this chasm. Look, a purple dragon! I wonder if it's the same kind of strange creature terrorizing Wumpa Jungle?F SPARX: Spyro, you can now use your Flap ability to gain some extra height while jumping.F Try pressing while in the air.4G PROFESSOR: It's good to see you, Spyro.\G We've discovered that Ripto has joined forces with a villain named Neo Cortex.G Together they are trying to take over our world. Coco and I are working on a solution to the portals.G In the meantime you'll have to continue onward.HH COCO: Spyro? Hiya, I'm Coco. The Professor has been telling me all about you.|H It sounds like Cortex has altered the Riptocs to make them even stronger.H It's a good thing we found you. Good luck! I BLINKY: You can bash your way through these sheets of ice using your Headbash.PI SGT. BYRD: Tally-ho, Spyro! Be careful, my officers have reported seeing plenty of Riptocs in the area.I Don't forget to use your Flap ability to avoid pits and hazards by tapping .J SPYRO: Crash! Have you found all of the crystals yet? These Portals are trickier than they look, so try to take it easy.dJ MONEYBAGS: Well hello again, Spyro. Those gems you're carrying must be heavy! Why not spend some here?J See anything you like?PK MONEYBAGS: Step right up! The hand is quicker than the eye.lK SPYRO: Tell your boss Ripto to leave my home alone!K SPARX: Hey Spyro, try using your Flap ability to glide.K While in the air press repeatedly and you can fly for short distances. L CRUNCH: Hey Spyro, I'm Crunch. Watch out for those lava pits if you don't want your tail singed.pL BLINKY: Your Flap ability will allow you to explore hidden areas. Happy hunting, Spyro!L AKU: Good to see you, Spyro. Once we've entered this portal, you try to free Coco and the Professor. Crash and I will then lead Nina away while you get our friends to safety!4M MONEYBAGS: Come on in, Spyro. I'm sure I've got just the thing you're looking for.M MONEYBAGS: Think you can guess what's inside the vase? Give it a try!@N PROFESSOR: Spyro! Help!N COCO: Get us out of here!N NINA: Puppy? PUPPY!!!N NINA: Why won't you play with me, purple puppy?N NINA: WHAAAAAAA!!!!O SPYRO: Crash! Lure Nina away while I get the Professor and Coco to safety!0O HUNTER: Watch out for Lab Assistants hiding in the bushes ... they throw explosive coconuts.O SPYRO: Let's get these final Portals activated so we can kick some evildoer butt!O AGENT9: Waaahooo! Am I glad to see you, Spyro! I've been holding back these Riptocs but they sure are relentless. Watch your back!